
Showing posts from January, 2021

Mindful sunday #4

Hello everyone on this beautiful sunday! I think specially in this time of distance and isolation we should care the most we can about our loved ones even if they are far away. Just making a compliment or a kind word to our best friend, partner or family member can brighten up their day so much and shows them that we think about them and that we are happy and grateful for having them in our life. This form of appreciation strengthens our relationship with them.  So be mindful about your words today. The following questions can help you to be aware of your thoughts and actions towards your loved ones. Because the way you act towards others also determine your attitude to life in general and to yourself. Read more about self-love here . So ask yourself: How do I speak to my loved ones? How do I actually think about them? Do I judge them for something they did? Read about forgiveness here . Which feelings might they have? Perhaps are they feeling alone? Which hard times do they need...

Yoga pose series #Tree pose

Hello everyone and welcome to the yoga pose series! In this series you will learn how to practice some common yoga poses (I am not an expert, I am just sharing my own experience with you because I think yoga has the potential to change our life!) and you will get to know which benefits they can bring to your life - if you practice them regularly of course.  Let us start with the "Tree pose". Like the name itself already says we try to keep ourselves strong and balanced in this pose and we connect with the ground underneath like a tree that is connected through its roots. We try to stay upright like a tree no matter how hard the wind is blowing. Even if we are swaying from side to side we stay connected to our origin - to our roots. Which benefits brings us this pose? It is a quite common pose for beginners and strengthens many muscles and ligaments of our legs, opens our hips and strengthens as well our core. This yoga pose is super helpful to improve your whole posture and ...

Why you should never give up to fight for your goals & dreams.

Hello everyone!    First of all it is super essential to ask yourself if the goals & dreams you want to become true are truly coming from yourself. Because often we unconsciously take expectations from our families, friends, partners etc. and make their goals ours. After you assured yourself of that, you should know that it is quite normal that we sometimes struggle to believe in our dreams specially when things are not working out in the way we would like them to work out or if people say that they will not work out but honestly - do not listen to them! No matter how hard it seems right now to fight for your goals & dreams try to always focus on the positive things and on the things you already achieved. Like that you will gather all strength to keep fighting for them.   The process of them becoming true teaches you to accept every obstacle that comes to your life. Furthermore it teaches you to be patient and face anything unwanted on your path with gratitude, ...

Mindful sunday #3

Hello everyone!  You might ask yourself what you could do to be more mindful and to come into the present moment specially when your mind constantly seems to wander. My top one tip is to go outside and just enjoy nature to reconnect to your true self and to let go of everything that no longer serves you.  Let us do an exercise together. Sit or even lay down somewhere outside (of course you should choose a place where you can relax and where you are safe!). It does not matter if the ground is sandy, snowy or however the ground looks like. Make yourself comfortable. Let the arms and legs feel heavy. Then close your eyes and relax your face. Feel the ground underneath you. Feel the parts of your body that are connected to the earth. Does the ground feel warm? Or cold? Hard or soft? Breath and be aware of every little detail. Take your time.  Then open your eyes and look to the sky. Surrender to the clouds. Are they moving fast? Or slow? Which shapes do they have? Try to see ...

Life is like the ocean.

Hello everyone! Today I want to share a beautiful quote with you that gives me strength in this uncertain time and reminds me to have faith no matter what life brings to us: “None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith.” ― Paulo Coelho Always remember: Life is a journey. Life is like the ocean. In constant change. Big waves are crushing, wild storms are blowing but in the end there will always be peace and light, there will be a day when you can see the horizon. We need to be grateful for all challenges, for all struggles in life. They always teach us something even if we do not see the sense of them right now. But we will understand one day. Hope for better days & accept what is right now. May you be guided and protected.💛   © Wind of Happiness

The benefits of meditation - Open new doors for your life

Hello everyone! Like I mentioned in the post about self-awareness we gonna speak more about meditation and its benefits. First of all you might ask yourself: What is meditation?  " Meditation can be defined as a set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention. Meditation is also a consciousness-changing technique that has been shown to have a wide number of benefits on psychological well-being" (Definition by Verywellmind ). But what are the detailed benefits of meditation and how can it be life changing? 1. Meditation can reduce stress and anxiety.  The more we are aware of our thoughts the more we can change our negative believes. Furthermore taking several small breaks in our daily life helps to wind down and let go of stress. The less stress we feel the less anxious we will be about our future and tasks we need to do. Meditation can be a great tool to declutter the mind and free your mind. You will face obstacles ...

Mindful sunday #2

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a nice sunday. I just wanted to share a small quotation with you as a reminder of being mindful, because we want to start the upcoming week with positivity and gratitude! Let go of all events that made you upset to find space in your heart to invite and give love, specially to the persons around you and to yourself! “In the end, just three things matter: How well we have lived How well we have loved How well we have learned to let go” ― Jack Kornfield © Wind of Happiness

Why forgiveness helps to move on & accomplish your goals. 2 important reasons

Hello everyone! Forgiveness is a big word. It means to let go of old wounds. To let go of  heavy burdens we carry with us - made by others or even by ourselves. When we will not forgive ourselves, people or actions that hurt us we will never move on. The past will always hold us back. 1. In other words: If we want to follow our dreams and accomplish what we wish for, we need to let go of stored negative emotions inside of us that are related to anger and maybe even hate. If we do not let go of the past we are bound to think (sooner or later) about past events or people that betrayed, harmed etc. us and we will feel bad about it. We will relive that moment and we will even attract more negative thoughts maybe even about the future.  That negativity will determine our daily life. Without our permission that memories will remove energy of us and we will not have the strength we wish to have to invite positivity and happiness. We will not be able to love ourselves and others what ...

How to practice self-awareness. 3 effective ways

Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you 3 effective ways to practice self-awareness.  Self-awareness is essential to get to know us better and therefore crucial to reduce stress or negative emotions. Only if you take a break of your daily tasks, you will gain more energy and you will invite physical as well as mental well-being. 1. Take You-Time daily. That means that you take 5-10 minutes everyday to just spend time with yourself. Listen to music, write down your thoughts, take a minful walk or take pictures of things outside! Just embrace positive activities in your daily life . This can really help you to wind down and invite relaxation. 2. Did you ever try to meditate? To just become aware of your thoughts, welcome them and let them go no matter which tasks you still have to do today? Read more about the effects and advantages of meditation here . 3. Get aware of yourself as you try to figure out how you are feeling today. Are you feeling happy and energised or sad and f...

Mindful Sunday #1

 “People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child—our own two eyes. All is a miracle.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh Being mindful helps us to realise for what we can be grateful in our daily life. What are you doing sundays to be mindful? To be grateful? What slows you down? Let me know on the comments below.💚 © Wind of Happiness

Why self-love is the key to true love.

“You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at you, but if you yourself don't know it, all of that doesn't even matter. Every second that you spend on doubting your worth, every moment that you use to criticize yourself; is a second of your life wasted, is a moment of your life thrown away. It's not like you have forever, so don't waste any of your seconds, don't throw even one of your moments away.” ― C. JoyBell C. This beautiful quotation shows that we need to accept and love ourselves with all imperfections as a result to give value to our life and everything around us, including our loved ones. Only when we know who we truly are, when we forgive ourselves to let go of all negativity and to heal our wounds, when we know our goals and dreams, only then we will be able to invite true love to our life. Many people misunderstand the importance of loving themselves because they think that i...

Why happiness is a commitment with yourself.

Happiness is probably the most important aim in people`s life. But how can we be happy when life is challenging us? When we think we do not have anything to be happy about? When we are struggeling with our relationships, jobs etc.? Well...that is the point. Why do we need to "have" something or achieve things to be happy? Why can we not just be happy because we are living and breathing? The simple truth of being happy is that it is a decision you take. Happiness is a lifestyle. No matter what will come to your life you need to face it with love and acceptance. With gratitude and peace. Spend time with people you love, forgive. Start every day new - with everything! “Take responsibility of your own happiness, never put it in other people’s hands.” ― Roy T. Bennett © Wind of Happiness

How to let go of a stressful day. 5 simple ideas

Good evening everyone and welcome to my 2nd post!  After you have probably read my morning routine tips I will now share with you my top 5 ideas for an evening and a stress reliefing routine. 1. Get into comfortable clothes. Like that your mind and body will realise that your work of today is done. 2. Light up some candles and turn off all distracting devices. 3. If you are into yoga embrace the evening with a short evening stretch routine. It works best if you turn on relaxing music. 4. Make yourself a cup of relaxing tea! This really helps if you suffer from insomnia. 5. Like in the morning you also should reflect on your day. What was going well? What did you do today that made you smile? End your day with positivity and gratitude before you go to bed. © Wind of Happiness

How to start your day with more positivity & energy. 5 simple ideas

Good morning everyone!  I am so happy and excited to share with you 5 ideas that help me to start my day with more positivity and energy. 1. Start your day with gratitude. Before you get out of bed take some deep breaths and ask yourself what is going well in your life. Name at least 3. 2. Stretch yourself after getting out of bed. Maybe invite a short morning-yoga routine every morning. I am sure you will feel better and more awake.  3. Start your day with fresh air. Open your windows and take some more deep breaths.  4. While you get ready, dress, wash yourself etc. turn on your favourite music. I recommend happy beats! 5. Take your time to eat a healthy breakfast! Be aware of every bite, enjoy your cup of tea or coffee and think positive about the tasks of today. Imagine that everything will unfold the way you wish for.  © Wind of Happiness

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog Wind of Happiness!  Here I will mainly share my personal thoughts with you. I will write about topics like how to create a happier life through acceptance, inner peace, self-awareness, self-love and positivity.  My articles will be accompanied by my own pictures of nature scenes. Hope you will like it! 💜 Start this incredible journey together with me! I believe in you!  See you soon xx © Wind of Happiness