Gratitude - a life long lesson.

Hello everybody, I hope you are all doing well.

I just think gratitude is so important to include in our daily life.

Gratitude makes us feel alive and happy because we connect with the present moment and with ourselves. Instead of focusing what we do not have or what we would like to have we appreciate what is already right in front of us. This way we are able to invite awareness in our life because we take a moment to truly see ourselves - we focus on the inside and not on the outside.

With gratitude we learn to accept our past and we let go of the constant necessity to control every situation. We let go of our ego and see ourselves with love and appreciation. We can let go of our shame and regret, we are able to forgive. 

With gratitude we give life a chance to embrace challenges instead of procrastinate and letting fear rule our life - this let us become a wiser and better version of ourselves.

“Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; it’s all an experience.”
Roy T. Bennett

© Wind of Happiness 


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