Only when we shine light on our shadows we are able to tranform them
Hello everybody, I hope you are all doing well.
I think this is actually the most important post I have ever wrote and something so important to me to share with you.
I think the hardest and darkest times in life are crucial to get clearity about ourselves and transform to a better version of ourselves - or better to find the way back to our true self, our essence.
Everything that triggers you in life or makes you feel that your loosing control is a strong sign of a wound that isn´t healed yet inside of yourself. So every person or circumstance that comes along your way in life is there in order to reflect your own shadows. Things that make you upset are things you do not want to see about yourself!
Things you point your finger on and critize, are actually things you do not want to see in yourself and therefore you also do not want to accept them or you are simply unaware of their existance. We can not change other people and their behaviour but what we can change is how we react to them. So every time we deny our shadows (personality traits that we consider as bad or inappropriate) we create suffering. Everything we do not want to accept will persist and create more suffering and sabotage ourselves most likely all life long - We will live in a self created lie of who we are. I think we can only accept and love ourselves if we truly and deeply understand who we are!
And I think the truth hurts but the truth will liberate us, will set us free and will finally stop our cravings of external acceptance because we start to truly accept ourselves first with all defaults and then we do not need any external validation to feel better about ourselves. In order to do so we need to start learning how to observe our own behaviours and thoughts. Many times our own mind is our worst enemy in therms of making us smaller and more limited than we are in reality!
“Unless you learn to face your own shadows, you will continue to see them in others, because the world outside of you is only a reflection of the world inside of you.” – The Minds Journal
For more inspirational quotes I recommend this website:
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