Mindful sunday #9

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and save!

Today I want to speak with you about why uncertainty is helping us to grow. In relation to this topic I found a beautiful quotation that says:

“Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart.
...live in the question.”
Rainer Maria Rilke

So, let me remind you that no matter where you find yourself right now, no matter if you go through uncertain times right now or not - it is all there to help you grow which means to get your inner power and courage back in order to then gain personal strenght. 

Because only if we go through the darkness, through uncomfort and fear, we will grow. And growth always means as well to fail first but then have the patience to get back and overcome whatever holds you back. 

I wish you a delightful and mindful sunday! With all my love 💛

 © Wind of Happiness 


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