Why acceptance is helping us to let go of emotional pain.

Happy Easter to everyone! I wish you a beautiful day with much peace and love!

Today I want to talk with you about acceptance. I found an inspiring quote that shows really well how acceptance looks like:

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
Lao Tzu 

I think acceptance is something many of us struggle with - maybe almost every day. But the truth is that if we don´t let go of things that cause stress and anxiety and aren´t our reality or things that are not in our own power to change, then we gonna hold on to unneccesary emotional pain. You always have the choice between 3 options: changing, leaving or accepting.

So ask yourself from time to time: Which things make me upset or pull me down? Can I change them? If the answer is "no" then don´t complain anymore about them. Let go of them (leave) or accept them exaxctly how they are.

For example: You are complaining about your room mate who doesn´t help you with cleaning the kitchen at all. Either ask for his/her help (trying to create change), search for another room mate (leaving) - in this case this option is a little radical or just accept the fact that he/she doesn´t help you cleaning but instead goes shopping for example.

You see, acceptance can effect many aspects of our daily life. Be aware of every situation that makes you angry, frustrated, desperate or sad and decide for yourself what you want to do with it. 

I wish you a great start into the next week! Stay healthy and safe!💜

 © Wind of Happiness 


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