
Showing posts from February, 2021

Mindful sunday #8

Hello everyone! I wish you all a wonderful sunday. Today I was reading this quotation: "People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, "Soften the orange a bit on the right hand corner." I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds." ~ Carl Rogers  And it made me think that we should`nt try to change the people around us because it isn`t our task. We should appreciate what we like about them and face them with kindness and compassion. If there`s anything to change then it`s to start changing yourself if you aren`t satisfied with your life. If you feel stuck in the last weeks or months don`t worry because sometimes it`s ok to rest - to not want to control your life - your sunsets. Just watch them. And then when you feel ready to do the next step, do it!   © Wind of Happiness

Quote of the month #February

Hello everyone! Here`s my favorite quote of the month. “Beautify your inner dialogue. Beautify your inner world with love light and compassion. Life will be beautiful.” ― Amit Ray   © Wind of Happiness     

Be patient.

“ Our patience will achieve more than our force. ” – Edmund Burke Sometimes we need to be patient. We need to settle our power and energy down and get calm. So calm that we are able to embrace the unknown and stop control whatever there is. We need to learn and especially accept that the future isn`t in our hands.  Only if we trust the process we will find the puzzle pieces we are looking for and we will become one with our biggest dreams. I believe in you! 💚   © Wind of Happiness      

Mindful sunday #7

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great sunday. Today I want to share with you 3 tips about how you can deepen and strenghten your relationship in your daily life but also in challenging times. 1. Listen to the other person. And with listen I mean that you really take your time and truly listen to the words of the other person. Often we are caught of the stress of our daily lifes and we do not listen anymore to each other. This can cause misunderstandings and provoke unnecessary fights in your relationship. 2. Speak about something important. That can be your plans, dreams and things you love to do but also about your doubt and fears - just anything that is meaningful for you. This helps to create a better understanding for each other. 3. Be kind and show your appreciation & love every day. This will truly connect your hearts together and you will get day by day more grateful for being with that person rather than judge and blame him/her.   © Wind of Happiness  ...

Why you should not worry anymore what others might think about you.

Hello everyone! I think everyone worries from time to time about what others might think about ourselves. I know it sounds easier than it actually is - but if you keep worrying, you will not be able to enjoy life.   “Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.”—Lao Tzu As long as we want to please others we cannot be truly ourselves. We will always be stuck in our fears, we will not follow the true dreams of our own heart. Free yourself! Let go! Be kind to yourself, be the person you want to be. Because you are the person you will spend the rest of your life with.   © Wind of Happiness   

Mindful sunday #6

Hello everyone and happy Valentine`s Day! Today it is time to show your loved ones that you value them and that they are truly important for you. Make a little surprise to them. Also show yourself that you are worth it. Do something today you really enjoy. Just enjoy life and do not worry about tomorrow! “You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth.” ― William W. Purkey   © Wind of Happiness  

Why compassion towards yourself & others helps you to be happier.

“We are all different. Don’t judge, understand instead.” ― Roy T. Bennett Compassion means to let go of our own way of thinking, to leave our comfort zone behind and try to feel what others feel. Compassion does not mean that we always need to agree with others but it means to at least try understand them. To show our love, to be there if they need us.  Also towards ourselves it is important to let go of expectations and perfectionism. Just imagine you see yourself in the mirrow and you start thinking: "I do not like my body, this part here is too fat etc. Ah - and there is a big spot on my face." You will go along with that negative thoughts of yourself all day - instead of focusing on the positive things like your beautiful hair. That example just simply shows that we will not notice beautiful things, if we are not compassionate with ourselves. In other words: To accept ourselves and others we need to invite love & compassion in order to be content with what ...

Why healing starts in the silent moments.

Hello everyone! As I already wrote an article about forgiveness I want to speak with you about healing. In my opinion healing happens in the silent moments. Because only when we experience stillness we are able to reconnect to ourselves. In other words: Only if we find time for ourselves we will find out what is really important to us and what really matters in life. To find this out we need to let go everything that does not serve us anymore - that is not what we are. All that expectations of others can cover our true self and our values. Make sure to slow down once in a while and ask youself: What do I really want in life? What gives me strength? What fulfills me? What makes me truly happy? (If you have forgotten this think about what made you happy when you were a child? What did you like to do?) Sometimes we do not know what to answer to these questions because we are too busy with our life and too busy to fulfill those expectations of others but remember that with self-love &...

Mindful sunday #5

Hello everyone! I wish you all a beautiful weekend. Do you have a place in your house where it looks a little bit empty or a wall where you constantly sitting infront, for example infont of your desk? I just recognized today that it makes a lot of difference if you put some pictures of your loved ones, travels, good moments etc. at that place or even if you add some new ones. It gives motivation and looking at them can revive happy and good moments even in times where we cannot be at our favourite places or with our friends. So why not grab some pictures and pin them at your wall? Always remember that if we focus on the good things and start to be grateful for all beautiful moments we already experienced and truly remember them with our heart we will invite more and more positivity in our daily life and set a positive intention for our tomorrow. “Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.” ― L.M. Montgomery   © Wind of Happiness  

Yoga pose series #Warrior II pose

Hello everyone and welcome to the yoga pose series! In this series you will learn how to practice some common yoga poses (I am not an expert, I am just sharing my own experience with you because I think yoga has the potential to change our life!) and you will get to know which benefits they can bring to your life - if you practice them regularly of course.  Let us speak about the "Warrior II" today.  Which benefits brings us this pose? It is a quite common pose for beginners and strengthens many muscles and ligaments of our legs, opens our hips and strengthens as well our core and arms. This yoga pose is super helpful to improve your whole posture (like the tree pose ) and to build up confidence whether in your physical body or in a mental way. The more you practice this pose the stronger y our feet will become and you will also gain more stability in your legs and upper body. How to practice this pose? Come along the length of your yoga mat and stand wide apart with...

Trust the process of life.

“Life is like the river, sometimes it sweeps you gently along and sometimes the rapids come out of nowhere.” ― Emma Smith   This quotation is showing that we all may have peaceful and calm times when everything seems to unfold perfectly in life and then suddenly there are these unpredictable times maybe full of rush and perhaps even of uncertainty and fear. But always remember that only the process of life makes us what we are today. We always learn something out of the `rapids` in life. Sometimes we can not predict and control them. But we need to learn to swim with them - not swimming against them. May you have a wonderful start into a new month full of new opportunities. Whatever comes to your life embrace it with acceptance and loving kindness.💙 © Wind of Happiness