How to reduce anxiety. 5 tips
Hello everybody! I hope you are healthy and safe. Many of us struggle with anxiety, especially in the current time of uncertainty. But anxiety makes us feel helpless and weak and hence tears us away from the present moment. Then we often forget for what we can feel greatful and all our once positive thoughts will disappear in anxiousness. “Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths.” ― C. H. Spurgeon So here are my 5 top tips to reduce anxiety: 1. Make yourself clear that you are not your anxious thoughts. Write down everything that makes you feel worried. Like this it gets out of your head and you gonna feel released. 2. Try to take a pause in the moments you are feeling your anxiety. Place your hand at your heart and accept your feelings but tell yourself that everything is alright and that you can feel save. 3. In moments of anxiety try to take deep breaths. Imagine your breath wanders along your body - from your fe...